Welcome to the Advances in data science and artificial intelligence for legal research and applications

Recent advances in data science and AI have transformed legal research, enhancing case analysis,
contract review, and predictive analytics for better informed decisions.

Our aims to publish high-quality research in data science and artificial intelligence

ADSAILRA is published four times a year and is committed to a timely
review peer review process of three to six weeks of the initial paper submission.

About Journal

Advances in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence for Legal Research and Applications is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal dedicated to the intersection of data science, artificial intelligence (AI), and the legal domain. This journal aims to promote the integration of cutting-edge AI and data analytics techniques into legal research and practice, with the mission to foster innovation and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the legal industry. Manuscripts suitable for submission include, but are not limited to, original research, empirical studies, theoretical analyses, practical applications, case studies, comprehensive reviews, and opinion pieces. We welcome contributions that address the development and application of AI tools in legal analytics, predictive modeling in law, automated legal reasoning, legal document analysis, and other relevant areas that push the boundaries of traditional legal research.

Online Submission Link Read More

Welcome to the inaugural issue of the Advances in Data science and Artificial Intelligence for Legal Research and Applications. As we stand on the cusp of a transformative era in legal practice, this journal aims to be the premier platform for scholarly discourse on the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and legal technology. Fueled by the burgeoning demand for AI and machine learning solutions, the global legal technology market is projected to reach an astounding $45.1 billion by 2030, according to [Yahoo Finance](
This seismic shift underscores the urgency and relevance of our focus. As Richard Susskind aptly puts it, "People who go to lawyers don't want lawyers; they want resolutions to their problems or the avoidance of problems altogether." Through rigorous academic inquiry, we seek to explore how AI can provide those very resolutions, revolutionizing the legal landscape in the process. With this journal, we aim to be the definitive home for both groundbreaking research and practical applications of AI and Machine Learning in legal practice.

Anca Ralescu
Senior Member, IEEE
EECS Department, University of Cincinnati, ML 0030
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0030, USA

Indexing and Services
Editorial Board
Anca L. Ralescu
Editor in Chief

Nicola Lettieri

Dr. Arpan Mandal

Robert Jago

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